Caswell Moore
Bienvenue, Wilkommen, Welcome to my site, I trust you are properly dressed, Ladies and Gentlemen. If not, there will be consequences.
But if you are, come in, play, let me watch you wander through your dreams, with seams straight, ties in place and a secret smile playing on your lips.
Be brave, you are doing well. say hello, dare,
Let me introduce myself, you don’t have to guess my name, but if you are wondering about the nature of my game…
This sensual life, lived in the realm of the senses far away from ordinary understanding. Exquisite in nature, elusive to articulation or explanation, has to be felt. Every soft burn of rope, every touch of silk, and nylon, and nail, and mouth and teeth, and tongue.
erotic episodes....scene and Felt

It had started to rain heavily, no surprise for Manchester, which welcomes such deluge like a desert eternally hungry to bloom.
We were metres from the door of the bookshop we both adore when the heavens opened. We ran to escape a certain soaking and skidded concertina style, bumped up, falling as one inside, clanging the shop bell in a tintinnabulation of laughter and breathless entry.
That special warmth, the cosy other-worldliness of word palaces, sucks us in like quicksand, the fabulateur of logophiles telling us we are home.
A fantasy.
Our second visit in so many weeks.
Last time, with vivid carnality, you had gone down on me in the whispered corner, oblivious to discovery in amongst the billion words and dust.
Eventually, shudderingly, losing my head to your head, and surrendering my come to your beautiful mouth in amongst the tomes of hallowed literature, the gallery of poetic voices, literary hardbacks and soft covers, all paying silent witness with rapt attention, guarding us from prying eyes, and sneaking backward looks over the tops of their jackets. How did I manage not to cry out? To roar my Lion’S bellow watching you below, with hardened nipples straining at your top as you devoured my cock whole. Alerting clientele poring over typeface like Yukon miners searching for gold to look up in a rush?
A mystery.
Now as we wander in amongst the sawdust aisles, I point to a Thomas Harris, and wink at you, wanting desperately to make ‘the Hannibal noise,’ but instead, telepathically send the intention on the thermal of the hot sharp stink of unbridled lust. You look up, the ethereal mail has arrived, the smile dawning on your face, and you give me that look. That ingenue, pixie look: the impish, upstartish devilment look. Laughter glittering in your eyes. What did that Iranian poet say? ‘The only jewels a woman needs are her eyes.’
I don’t have to say a thing, we are way beyond that. What we hear in the silence is louder than war.
You affectionately caress my shoulder on your way to look at Science Fiction… trailing that champagne laugh.
What now for your collection?
A classic
But you won't have time to peruse, lovely lady... The Lion’s eyes have narrowed. The seams of your fully fashioned point heel stockings, the swish of your skirt, that backward glance, knowing I am watching, appreciating lasciviously, assuredly with piquant relish.
You will never make it past A for Asimov. Not a chance. Green light on Amber. Lion is as Lion does. Sexy Gazelle you’re up next, and fava beans and a light Chianti don’t approximate to the intoxication of the main course in my mind right now.
You can sense me before you see me, too late to say your prayers, my prey.
The bone hard cock lets you know as I caress your backside through your skirt.
I look left and right, there is a Fedora-wearing,Tom Baker type a row or two over.
I can see above the books in my eyeline to the owner at the till...he has delivery of a collection, and is ensnared in that hopeful quest, the bookseller’s holy grail of unearthing fortuitously donated first editions.
Now Lion.Now.
A (Dark) Romance
I take your hair in a whirl of feral energy and spin you round to my mouth. I am looking at your mouth...with microscopically enhanced intent. I look up, your eyes are dancing a wildly alive fear. An electric tremble of joy is setting you a-quiver. Your breath is sharp and short. You watch sparks fly in my eyes, a glow like coal fire - whole aquamarine seas of volcanic passion pitching and lurching.
There is a moment when everything stops, when my world becomes your mouth. The animal in my blood halts in its tracks, raises its head, gorging on air. Exotic birds take flight from my skin. The weather closes in. The storm gathers, the sky breaks, the thunder claps. McQueen buckles up in Bullit. The howling gap of pre-nuclear fission. You stare into my darkly adapted eye and as if in wonder...reach up slowly to brush my face, see your abyss, and let out an….mmm
The blue touch paper is lit with incendiary force...
You gasp, then I eat your luscious lips with mesmeric abandon
I have you locked against the bookcase
You have slipped a leg out of your shoe and rub your stockinged foot along the outside of my leg, then describing circles with your knee cap around my trouser-straining cock
Slutty minx, you are.
I bite your bottom lip, tug at it...pull it toward me
Placing my thumbs on your nipples eating your face…
You place your fingers on mine and circle with me.
No more Mr Nice Guy
An Autobiography
I lift you bodily and you scramble to find purchase behind you, holding on to shelf space as I flip your legs to my shoulders and move my head along your nylon thighs to your sacred place.
As instructed, you are not wearing panties and I growl in pleasure as I nuzzle my nose into your sex.
I am locking eyes with you - don’t break contact - as I let my tongue feast upon your engorged pearl…
She is mine and if you could speak, and if you could access the articulacy that is now beyond you, you would tell me so in adoring consensual whispers.
But you can’t
The low feral moan emitting from you is all I can hear, the breathless loss of control - you are dissolving. My tongue is your world, the danger of discovery a mere insignificant detail in some obscure reference book..
I suck your pearl, hoisting you better to sit on my shoulders, slide my fingers up to your pointed nipples, which are skyward with pleasure. I pinch them, roll them in my fingers, brush them quickly. They are fucking slaves to my touch, begging for more. Rising and rising, hard as almonds...sexual sap erupting from them.
I lift you off my shoulders and spin you around.
I am looking at the seams of your stockings and going through the roof of gritted-toothed lust. I hitch up your skirt, forearm you into the bookcase. You spread your legs on cue and push your backside up to meet me. I pull your hair, yank your head back and, with my free hand, guide my iron rod of a cock deep inside you.
Goddess, how wet you are!
I slide in with ocean-going ease, a liner plunging into the water on its maiden voyage.
Long deep fevered strokes as I pound into you, slapping my hips into your backside, my cock pinning you on its erotic spike. Books fall...a disturbance...I calmly say, sorry out loud, the owner stays in his seat. I’m not sorry. Not at all. I don’t care if the whole shop collapses to the ground, all the books fly off the shelves, the bookcases totter and fall. That is the spellbindingly potent power at play here, mountain-moving passion and lust.
I slam and slam my cock into you as I hold your nipples pinched and perked from behind.
There is no way you can escape. You don’t want to. You want it like this forever. A woman of desired fury and volcanic passion, inspiring erotic art and sexually tempestuous frenzy.
And here you are now.
The bowlines of your essence are surrendering, loosening to your inevitable submission, your release. This is the true wild, pristine pure expression of wanton lust and microscopic appreciation of every contour, crest and ridge, every centimetre of surveyed skin.
I reach down to put my thumb on your pearl and immediately you start to buck in orgasm…
The incredible surges in you cannot be contained, the noises make the other world sit up and notice. You are swearing, low animal noises escape as the multiple waves of pleasure crash into your shore.
Surfs up and you are wiped out and rag dolled on a thruster.
Taken, Totally.
Unutterably, exquisitely so.
You bury your head into my chest, and burst out laughing in the most endearing way ever.
“Oh my god,” you say into my ear. “You fucking Lion”
I bite your ear lobe and nuzzle your neck, inhaling you.
“Mmm”, I say.
You smell of me, I smell of you. Dangerously musky.
Chemistry lessons never contained such a volatile mix.
A Thriller
We arrange ourselves, smirk loudly, audibly. You snort, we laugh on cue.
Head out for air. The rains have stopped, I notice, but your wetness remains in my mind.
As we pass the bookseller, I pull your arm back and stop in front of him.
You spin round, raising an inquisitive eyebrow.
“Excuse me, do you know if you have a copy of ‘The Devouring” by Caswell Moore?
The bookseller ruminates, scratching his head for memory. I squeeze your hand.
“I don’t believe I have heard of that one. Is it something new?”
“No, not new” I say,
“Just rare.”
I nod at him and smile.
“We’ll look in again, another time….”
I look at you.
The frisson is immense

A ravishing encounter
We have entered the gate to the Airbnb. The gravelled back garden crunches beneath our feet. I watch your heels rise and fall, and drink in the ankle detail of your Cervin So black stockings: the sheer nylon, those sensual seams. Metaphorically, a lascivious lip licking occurs inside. The taste of the hunt floods my mouth and brain. There will be no playacting Germans tonight. Just you, me, my pilot’s case, a plethora of erotic situations and my feral desire.
I open the door and survey everything. I hold the door open for you, watch the smile broaden, the secret smile as you step inside.
Sir has prepared.
I draw you to me, inhale you, consume you in the fire of my mind’s eye. Your case drops to the floor as I kiss you deeply, exploring you with my tongue.
You moan and greedily respond. I know you are wet already.
Tonight I want to luxuriate in the quality of attention and intimacy that I pay you, and revel in the hungry lust of your expression upon me.
I close the door with my foot. No escape now. I hold your cheekbones as I continue to probe your mouth, bite your lips, rake my fingers along the length of your nipples, trace the outline of your suspender belt.
Mmmm I am very hard now, ready for you.
I need to take you, use you, right now.
I clasp your hands together behind your back and instruct you to look up. As you do so, you see the winch above on the metal bar stretched right across the length of the room. I pull down my prepared rope and secure you. I bend you over, slide your panties to the floor, lock you into place with my spreader bar, and lift your skirt. Yes, this is what I want: your suspender belt straps and full stockings are exposed to me. And your sacred place.
You slut, did you really think you would get away with parading in front of me like that?
There are consequences, even when you are following my instructions meticulously.
I walk round to your front, grab your hair tightly and put my cock length into your mouth, gagging you, fucking your face, using you for my pleasure. A controlled, wild animal now, moving through the gears of unstoppable momentum. I will be finished with you when I say I am, many hours from now.
I have plans for you.
I force my cock out of one side of your mouth, then the other. Make you slowly deep throat me,command you to lick the top, and then fuck your mouth to gag once more.
I lock eyes with you. I know, and you know. Nothing you can do. I place a ball gag on you. I want your screams stifled.
I walk around behind you, caress your backside, run my tongue along your suspender belt.
A low growl of pleasure escape me. I know what’s coming next.
I step back two paces and choose a flogger off the rack to my right. I begin slowly and softly to lay the flailing strands on your bare backside, then I pick up the pace. Full-bodied swishing now, still not max strength, but erotically stinging you. I can hear you through the ball gag.
I thrash your backside side to side, and diagonally, now, a windmill action. Slow it down again. Talk to you constantly, commentating on what I am doing to you,
I am enjoying watching you from behind, legs spread apart, hands at 90 degrees attached to the hoist, gagged and flogged.
Surges of power flow through me.
I think it’s time for Michael the knotted cane.
I tell you so.
I can hear your muffled pleas.
I don’t care.
Here he comes.
Sharp stings, yelps. Mmmm. Carnal punishment.
I smear lube inside you to go with your wetness.
I am going to fuck you and flog you now in tandem now, you slut.
Yes, my cock slides in nicely. I am going to fuck you until you are unable to walk tomorrow.
Riding you now, for my pleasure, flogging you at the same time. Really giving it to you, much stronger flogs. I hear your moans of pleasure-pain at being manhandled and taken so forcefully. You will have to take this for some time, until I feel you have truly been fucked.
Now a change of attack.
I don’t think your breasts have received enough attention.
I release your arms from behind you and swivel you around to face me. Up your hands go above your head. You look stoned from the endorphins.
Get down on your knees. Hands high above in ropes.
Now secured, I roughly open your blouse to reveal your breasts… in your low cup bra, you filthy slut.
I take the breast flogger and swish the red tassels painfully across your exposed breasts, reddening them, watching your nipples perk up and go hard.
I blindfold you to intensify the sensations and continue flogging relentlessly as your cries stifle in your gag.
I take my time with you. Everything is thorough. Ruthless. And slow.
I’m not finished with you yet.
I take your hand and lift you. Untie you, pick you up and take you to the kitchen island.
I take each leg out wide and secure them to the poles on either side of the island. You are now in a perfect V, legs secured by the ankles, so wide for me. Your sacred place access all areas. As it should always be for me. And only me.
I take your arms out to the sides in the shape of a cross, and rope you to the hooks on the side of the island. You are now completely immobilised.
Just how I like you.
I remove the blindfold. I want you to see all that is going to happen to you, but leave the gag in place. There is more screaming to stifle.
Hmmm…yes, I run my tongue along your sexy seams, brush my cheekbones along your nylon-clad legs.
Revel in how immobilised you are. Nothing you can do. Except…surrender. And you have already surrendered, well and truly.
I insert the flogger inside you and leave it there until I decide to use it. Either way, I want you to know that I am using you for my pleasure. That is what you are there for. An object for my pleasure.
Your eyes are closed.
Open them.
I slowly put on a leather glove, and nod my head.
You start to cry out.
Yes, the nettles must make their appearance. They are fresh and young and stingy. Yum.
I take a bunch in my gloved hand and apply them to your stomach.
There you are watching yourself, trussed up, gagged, breasts exposed, utterly helpless, and I am torturing you with very sharp nettles. Hmmm yes.
I touch each nipple. Your head is going side to side.
I take out the flogger from inside you and swish the nettled breasts.It must be agony.
Now I decide you can have my mouth and tongue on them.
I drizzle saliva on each nipple, hard stones of erotica in my mouth. I caress the breasts, gently kneading them. Now the sounds coming from you are much more sensual. I continue to drizzle and lick and suck and kiss one as I caress the other with the palm of my hand in little circles. I bite your breasts, growling like the Lion I am. They will be every colour under the sun by morning. Teeth marks and wanton bites continue.
It’s not over for you yet
Time for pleasure AND pain.
I reach again into my pilot’s case and withdraw the Tens machine, attach the pads to your nipples, and turn up the voltage just to the point of you being able to bear it.
Now I take the dildo and insert it inside you with a generous scoop of lube.
I travel along your thighs with my cheekbones and lick up and down your suspender straps.
Watch me do it.
I turn on the wand, so you can hear it, knowing what it will do to you.
I go down on you, delicate tonguing along your sex lips, around and around your pearl, making little signs of the cross on her. Sucking her, drizzling on her, Eating her with passion.
I force the dildo ever deeper as I lick you into a state of ecstasy. Listening to the gentle, malevolent whirr of the Tens machine.
Yum, I adore eating you down there. I am driven wild by the desire of it. Long scoops of pleasure, and then using just my bottom lip on you. Now, I suck your lips with great delicacy and place the wand on your pearl. Hmmm…the combination is taking you to the place where all your bowlines unravel. Nothing you can do.
I keep my finger on your pearl and swivel round to go behind you. I remove the gag and fill your mouth with my rock hard cock.
Make it harder, prepare me for you.
You suck me as if your life depends upon it. Huge mouth-open sucks the length of the shaft.
Good girl
I walk back around and remove the dildo.
Sir’s turn.
I thrust my prepared cock into you and hear your gasps.
I am fucking you ruthlessly now: slow, deep, long strokes, plunging deep inside you. Revelling in your immobility. How wide I have spread you for my ease of access, to use you.
I take up the wand and place it on your pearl as I fuck you hard. The tens machine whirring away.
You are going to come. You can’t take it. I alternate fingering your pearl, with circling her with the wand. Your shouts are getting louder now. This is what you want: to be taken completely and utterly whilst totally immobilised.
‘Lean forward.’
I place the blindfold on you,
I am going to talk to you as I use a rabbit vibrator on you.
I replace my cock with the rabbit and thrust it deep inside you. I pick up the flogger and swish your backside.
I tell you that I am going to cane your stockinged feet now. I remove your shoes. And I do. I hear your cries amidst the pleasure of the whirring rabbit inside you.
Again, the soles of the feet. And flogging your backside.
I am now talking to your sacred place as I guide the rabbit onto your pearl. I talk of what I have done to you so far. How easy it has been for me. How you willingly allow me to use you for my pleasure. Of how compliant you are. How you obey my commands immediately.How you surrender to me. Make yourself available for inspection. How often you pass. Of what a slut you are.
All the while you are being sexually and sensually tortured by my using the rabbit on you and the Tens machine. I lick your pearl in between commentary. Telling you of your slutty behaviour when you entertain your German friends - our very private role play - in every orifice. That you are there for their pleasure. And mine. That is your role, that is all you are…a shell for our pleasure, to use as we see fit. Whenever and wherever we want.
I can hear your breath shortening. Those tell-tale signs you are ready to launch.
Aren’t you Fraulein? I say.
Ja, Ja, Ja
Almost immediately, you lurch forward. Yes, come in my mouth. Give it to me. All of it. Every last drop. Come and come and come and come.
Your mouth open now. I rip off the blindfold and lock eyes. You are gone, eyes rolling in your head, as you give me what I want multiple times.
I flog your breasts as the last of your come, for now, violently shudders to conclusion
I caress your hair. Talk to you. Kiss your face. You are sweating and hot, in a blissful state.
Good girl, I tell you.
We kiss deeply.
I untie you.
I haven’t finished with you yet.
I carry you in my arms to the bed.
I hold you in aftercare. But soon I will need to use you, and specifically your mouth, again.
Sir needs to watch his sub lustily bring him to come in her mouth.
He wants her to show him all the techniques he has taught her, and within that express herself carnally, erotically, sluttily.
I place a cat's eye mask on you. And ears. Insert a tail into your backside.
Make sure that when you suck me, I can see your seams. And, from time to time, your legs moving back and forth in enjoyment, too.
I am going to instruct you, for my pleasure. And sometimes let you give me head from your own dirty imagination.
For now, open your mouth wide, cup the head in your mouth, grip it with your lips, and pull back up on it. Several times.
Take control of my cock. Gasp. Eat me. Each time.
Wave your tongue across the head, and around the whole shaft.
Run your tongue along the slit in a little sign of the cross.
Dive bomb me. Make sure you don’t touch my cock. Tease me. Lock eyes.
Go down the length of my cock. Come back up. Force it out of each side of your mouth. One side, then the other. Carnally, slowly,
What a slut you are.
Make sounds of pleasure as you are doing it.
Come up and, whilst still holding my cock in your hand, masturbate me. Watch me as you do it. Then lean forward, use your nipples on my stomach. Go back down, Take a breast in each hand and masturbate my cock with them. Drizzle on to the head of my cock as you do it.
Now come up again, slide along my stomach with your nipples, and take my nipples in your mouth. Look at me, at you sensually lick each one as you caress my cock.
You fucking slut.
Smile a secret smile and head back down.
Caress your nipples, making circles as you suck the head of my cock.
I have taught you so well.
Now, caress my nipples as you take me to that place.
Three times fast on the head and then slow motion down the shaft
Now drizzle on my cock and deep throat me. Stay there when you reach the bottom, then slowly come back up looking at me.
Do it again
And again
Sensually, completely
Circle my nipples and take me into your mouth, drizzling, sucking, licking
I am going to come in your mouth.
Be a ruthless, carnal, lusty slut.
Take it all in your mouth.
Please your sir.
You fucking filthy slut
I come in your mouth. You swallow me down with relish.
Good girl for your Dom, mmmm…..yum.
Come to me, cuddle, kiss, embrace rest
When we next awake, I will be dressing in all black.

In Italian, the lucky way to wish good fortune is to say in a bocca al lupo, commonly said before embarking on a quest, entering a challenge, or going on stage. The literal translation is ‘into the mouth of the wolf,’ and employed here literally to erotic effect. As a metaphor in a bocca al lupo compares any challenging scenario to being caught between the hungry jaws of a wild beast whose aim is to swallow both the misfortunate and the careless.
As you will see, there is nothing misfortunate or careless about the following scenario which is seductively sent and definitively instructional and contains hungry jaws and wild beasts whose aim is true.
A day of wildness outside, cold rain tattooing a refrain on the window pane; the wind picking up leaves and whisking them into constellations of playfully suspended nature shapes, trees bent and released, grey water, glittering islands on the sodden lawn.
Inside, an open fire dances in the grate throwing out cosy warmth making us impervious to the ministrations of the meteorological.
I am sitting upright on the sofa, you are stretched out using my legs as a pillow for your head. I am surveying you as you read a selection of poetry to me as instructed, noting how you occasionally caress one nyloned foot with the other, knowing that I will of course notice.
You are reciting ‘Yes’ poems and smiling. Charles Bukowski’s Yes Yes has just finished, and now you are curling your tongue around Muriel Rukeyser’s Yes...
“Open your eyes,
Dream but don’t guess.
Your biggest surprise
Comes after Yes “
I smile audibly, you look up, and we hold each other’s intensely rich suspension of time and space.
You are wearing a short dressing gown. Underneath, your bespoke shelf bra, suspender belt, seamed stockings. Around your neck you sport a shibari collar that I have fashioned for you, and whilst you have been reading poems, I have attached a chain and leash and laid it between your breasts. To your eternal credit, you did not miss a beat. But now you are staring with bated hunger, a wild animal barely in repose. I stroke your hair as we communicate with silence and search each other’s faces.
My phone rings. I pick up without breaking eye contact.
It is a friend, Pascal, from Nice.
“ Ah Bonjour Pascal, ça va toi? Un plaisir de t’entendre”
Pascal starts into his familiar roguish rendition laced with waspish world weariness of his encounters on the Cote d’Azur which are full of japes and scrapes and escaping through windows chased by irate husbands. Strokes and folks who should know better. Le pain quotidien de sa vie en rose. Or more precisely with him, la vie en rosé.
He is recounting a story to me of an incident the previous evening. And was struggling to contain his laughter before the punchline.
I am listening but only just...a thread of finest weave is holding me to his conversation, a thread so infinitesimal, it is only there in theory…
I bend forward and silently brush your lips
Pascal was at a restaurant we both know in vieux Nice with seats outside in a small square framed by a 15th century church. The waiter is famed for his deep deep voice which issues improbably from a small and wiry frame, and can be heard throughout the alleys and warrens of the old town.
“....Alors, le mec, il est là en train de prendre la command quande une paire de culotte tomber sur sa tête depuis une fenêtre au-dessus
Sans hésitation et sans lever les yeux il crie, ‘J’arrive!’ et cligne de l'œil au client.
Tout le monde tomber de rire
C'était parfait, mon ami. Quelle scène!"
I laugh with him, the memory of this guy sweet in my mind
Suitably encouraged, Pascal moves on with ever-more lurid tales
I have stopped listening
I am now taking the chain length that is around your neck and undulating the metal bracelets along the entrance to your sacred start to open your legs a little wider to accommodate. I can now see your stocking tops and the stretch of skin leading to the focus of my attention…I lift and drape the chain encircling your pearl, lightly tapping her, luxuriantly stretching the chain lengthways along her. My concentration is preternatural, Your breathing is audible to me. Your breasts are ripening fuller, your nipples are now harder, much harder, insisting upwards. You let the gown fall open, and you look at me as you bite your lip
The fire is glowing and spitting in the grate, rushing as it catches chimney updrafts.
Pascal’s voice has become faint and disembodied. There is only me and you here.
“Tu es la?” “Caswell?”
“Oui, je suis la, je t’entends,” I lie
“Tu respires lourdement, gars...c’est une crise cardiaque, quoi?”
Pascal bursts out laughing….
“Ah, non, il fait vraiment chaud ici en ce moment. Il y a un vrai feu qui me brûle."
You are now inserting part of the chain inside your sex, and like seaweed filaments in the water, undulate in rhythmic sensuality.
A slyly obscene look comes over your face with a smile so wanton it would burn a hole in an icon, and you turn to face me side on.
I am watching you intensely.
You start to circle my nipples with your fingers as you suck and lick my neck. And with eyes alive with the wonder of your power, watch me respond with my own eyes dilating.
You unbutton my shirt half way down.
Then lift yourself up to place your nipples in my mouth, feeding and pressing your breasts into me. You gasp as I bite you out of a passion barely contained within my body.
With lissom dexterity, you place your knees on the back of the sofa, and sit on my mouth offering me your pearl.
Pascal’s voice is complaining about a muffled noise.
I tell him I dropped the phone and now I’m back. I’m not back, I am licking my offering with relish, unbridled. You are bucking your pearl into my mouth, your head thrown back. The face that looks down at me as I look up is a mask of erotic fervour.
You slide down the sofa and kiss your way southward, holding my face, placing butterfly kisses on my mouth, my chest and then pull aside the shirt to take my right nipple in your mouth. You bite and suck and dance your tongue whilst keeping your eyes locked on mine, watching the effect on my pleasure.
I am now rock hard and staring at your pertness with rapt attention.
You move on to the other nipple and, at the same time, caress the other with your fingers.
Waves of sensations hit me.
You smile and let out the beginnings of a delighted laughter.
You turn your head back and look down at my cock, straining in my trousers, look back at me and lick your lips.
You slide your nipples down my stomach, back and forth, which you know drives me wild.
You surf my leashed cock with your cheekbone and find the head through the fine trouser cloth and run your mouth along it out towards the left. Then again, and again.
It is exquisite torture, and as my breathing shortens, my cock wants to burst through my trousers.
You take him out and position yourself on the floor in front of me. I curl the chain around my fist.
You put him between your breasts, look down and drizzle saliva on to the head and whilst looking at me massage him by cupping your breasts around his tumescence, and from time to time pinch your own nipples and drizzle more on to my engorged cock.
You slap him on the outside of your cheekbone first one side and then the other and then tease me with making little signs of the cross on him with sublime delicacy. My cock wants to explode, and I let out a moan of pleasure.
I can hear Pascal faintly in some distant land that has no telephone. I cut the call.
You are really concentrating on the head now. Short quick sucks followed by circling of the tongue, saliva, kisses - repeated, ruthless and rhythmic.
I am not getting out of here alive.
You make a triangle between your two hands at the base of my cock and take the whole length in your mouth, slowly starting at the top and descending eyes closed to the end of the shaft. And staying there to push at the bottom, an indescribably sexy devouring which is sending me wild. Down you go again, slowly driving me insane with pleasure. And again.
If there is a God, do not let him intervene now.
Guided by your lover’s sounds you press home your power.
Now you dive bomb my cock...mouth open wide, not touching him, teasing me exquisitely as you quickly bob your mouth up and down in a facsimile of sucking over the length of my cock. It is beyond devilicious. You slap my cock on to your outstretched tongue several times then suck hard on the head, following that speedy, tight-mouthed sucking with slow motion descents with sounds of your own pleasure. You lick the length of the shaft until half way when you clamp your mouth over the ridge of the head pulling upwards. You repeat this maneuver several times as you massage between my balls with your fingers. Then run your tongue along the slit of the head and cover it with erotic bites.
You climb on to the sofa, and smile… good to see that. You lie lengthways side on, and begin to wave your legs back and forth and caress your stockinged feet together.
Minxy minxy minxy.
I could not be harder or more erect.
You make audible mmm enjoyment sounds as you descend my cock again. Doing that delicious relentless rhythm of yours, which as soon as you start, I can hear ‘my song’ in my head - it is so, so sexy, and your sweet mouth is devouring me with metronomic delight as you have me where you want me now.
This time, as you get near the top, you lay your head to the left and flick my cock out of your mouth past your inner cheek.
It is an incandescent turn on
Down you go again, turn your head to the left and force out my cock to the right past your cheek.
‘Ohh” you say each time. “Ohh,” and go and retrieve the cock that you are making your own.
Now things move fast
You place fingers on my nipple and caress as you masturbate my cock with the other and suck firmly with that beautiful mouth of yours. No escape for Lion...In a bocca al Lupo.
I am moaning, praying for a God that I do not want to save me
Everything I utter, you repeat back to is killing me with pleasure
Ah fuck, I exclaim
Ah fuck you repeat, whilst drizzling saliva closed eyed and going down again.
You spit on my cock and corkscrew masturbate me now in a relentless devouring yummy, ruthless, thorough, uncompromising, lusty, cock-worshipping eyes closed of sucking me into your mouth. Then both hands corkscrew masturbate in opposite directions.
God almighty
My head is slammed back into the sofa as if caught by turbulence.
Arhh...arrh.(name deleted)….fuck, yeah…
You reach and touch my nipple...
My come explodes into you, and you greedily swallow it all down, licking and preening your Lion’s cock with your tongue.
Satan has a daughter divine
I hold you to my chest, stroking your hair, eyes closed, kissing the top of your head. Electric pulses igniting all over my body, the aftershocks of ardour.
You snuggle in close, affection emanating from you as you listen to my heart thundering and find my lips to brush.
The fire still burns, coals glow. Heat upon heat.
You wrote your poetry of affirmation on my cock.
In a bocca al lupo, I cried, YES... to my butterfly.


moore's poetry erotica

That communion

Soul deep
Feral Hunger
Vividly Vibrating
An Animalistic
The Devouring
Listen to me carefully

Free yourself from your ocean-going prison ships
Bite the corners of my mouth, feel the heat of
my lips
Tilt your face to the sun
Melt into me, let yourself come undone
In my arms the storm calms. Love stills its violence
Look up, in awe, behold, there are no bars
Just you and me and silence
Blissfully lost in a beautiful sea of infinite, intimate stars.
Set yourself free upon me, glide down the shaft,

Set yourself free upon me, glide down the shaft,
pin yourself wantonly, soaring tied to the mast
Head back, eyes closed, this is the real you:
liberated unbridled unburdened undone by the glue
that binds you
to me
All woman, voluptuary
Prey, quarry
Succubus, carnally expressed
My Heroine possessed in our own story
Lit by flames of your own desire
Guided by the my voice with words like fire
You descend to the darkest steps to my lair
And find yourself there
Guided by the my voice with words like fire
You descend to the darkest steps to my lair
And find yourself there







Modal Box Title

“ We are not slaves to timidity, but willing adherents to the challenges and rewards of our passionate natures.”
Hello you
I have pleasure in forwarding the Dress Code for when we come together. The accent of the DC is a heady potent mixture of glamour, femininity, all-woman sophistication. The look, the shape, the style, the fabrics, everything about it, really, I find totally intoxicating.So, within those broad strokes above lies room for expression, and also there are some things that I have a particular preference for:
Your Nylons must be fully fashioned, Sheer (30 Denier and less) and ideally come from the following Lingerie houses: Secrets In Lace,Touchable UK, Cervin Official, Gio, La Dame de France or Vintage. They are to be in the following colours: Black, Tan/Flesh, Dark Navy. During the day, going out together for example, you will wear Tan in preference. On evenings out they will most likely be black or Dark Navy and on occasion, Tan/Flesh. “ La caresse des nylons sur ses jambes, la sifflement des bas, les rides exquises du désir pour mes yeux, puis mes joues, mes oreilles alors que je plonge pour sa perle dans sa mer sacre´ ” Below in picture form you will see some examples of the types of stockings I prefer (point heel, seamed, fully fashioned - Gio, for example, call my preferred option, Harmony point just fyi) They are for illustrative purpose to guide you and not of anyone known to me I look forward to seeing you in them and devouring you in them very much. They will be married with suspender belts of 4 6 or 8 straps (some examples below and can include high waisted, embroidered, and with pleasure,burlesque corsetry and or basques. “ EVEN AMIDST FIERCE FLAMES THE GOLDEN LOTUS CAN BE PLANTED…”BRAS & PANTIES
Bras and panties, predominantly lace, and can also be silk. Bras can be demi, balconette, underwired, push up and open cup. I will also take delight in crafting you a harness bra in rope work for play.SHOES
Strappy heels, slingbacks, cork wedges, mules, peep toeCLOTHES
You will wear dresses, or dresses and tops, never trousers. Tops can also be low cut, button up, and in play, some black, sheer see through and or other fetish wearFURTHER DIRECTION
Lipstick's main choice is Red, which I see that you use to effect already, all the shades from medium to Bordeaux - nail and toe polish similar. Always carry a compact and lipstick with you, as there are occasions when you will be intimately in front of me and I will want to watch you re-apply before you leave your mark vividly upon me.
Your nipples are to be very lightly rouged for me.
Masks, cat tail buttplug, cats ears, long satin/silk/fishnet gloves are welcome and can all be worn for fun and pleasure.
VIP: *Your cleanliness inside and out is a given *Your sacred place shaved or very tightly trimmed *Makeup is encouraged, light or dramatic * Your perfume will be applied in a subtle but recognisable amount between your breasts, in your hair, on your wrists, but never to taste on your neck I send this specially crafted dress code to you with a warm embrace and a kiss on those lips, drinking you in with my mind and looking forward to the reality of, US. Do not hesitate to discuss with me anything not clear about the code, and feel free to suggest other things. “You know those moments when things come together strangely, when a person, or a thought, or a place, or a minute, seems to glow unworldly bright, and you are a child again, amazed by life’s intensity.” 💖 CM x